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the client.

EQiLead, which is developed by Vicki Macdermid, partner in Pitcher Partners Melbourne, is an innovative learning approach that trains business leaders through engagement with horses.

our approach.

Since EQiLead is a new innovative learning and leadership approach that isn’t common among businesses, Pencil Rocket aims to use an intro video to showcase what EQiLead is all about.


Through highlighting the actual workshop session facilitated by horses, documenting the why behind Vicki’s business and featuring testimonials from workshop participants, we were able to showcase EQiLead program and value to the public.

the outcome.

Using this video, Vicki was able to pitch to Pitcher Partners.


In addition, Vicki also landed a speaker gig in TedXCassey, where she was invited to talk about how important it is as social organisms to engage in personal face-to face interactions.


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